Social Security usually accounts for about 40% of most individual’s retirement. Social Security does so much more than provide retirement benefits. This course will cover the history of Social Security, basic benefits of the program and how to maximize benefits. We will cover responsibilities of employers and employees. The majority of Americans make social security contributions; they are expecting benefits from the program. Very few people have spent more than a couple of hours in their working years reviewing and planning how Social Security choices affect their retirement and survivorship benefits. The course is designed to update, educate, and show how social security benefits work.
The Social Security program is a great resource, increasing your understanding of the program can only increase the value you bring to your clients. We will cover different scenarios for individuals, families and survivor benefits and the importance it plays for the average American. Since the majority of Americans have contributed and/or receives benefits from social security, the future of the program is critical. This course is designed to help increase your knowledge and training so you can be a better advisor to your clients. The course is for four hours of General Insurance CE credit.
Social Security: Update 2025
Four hours General Insurance CE Credit
Instructor: Patrick D. Hatting MBA, ChFC, CLU, CASL, LUTCF